Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Going On Life

When does a person find time for himself? It doesnt happen often nowadays. And whenever some one does he is usually looked down upon as a lazy person. What im trying to get to here is the fact that all of our lives are spent in preparation. We prepare in our younger lives for our adult lives by participating in experiences such as school, sports, etc. If we are always preparing for the future when in the world are we going to enjoy now?
Here is the basic run down for a typical person in America (in my opinion): go to school to prepare for college, go to college to prepare for your career, work yourself to the bone to prepare for retirement and then live your retirement in preparation for your death. Now if thats the way it is gonna be count me out. Isn't life meant to be fun? To be memorable?
There is a problem with this idea though. Although life can and should be fun and all that other stuff, it is really hard to make it so without the benefits that come from preparation. So many great experiences have prerequisites that have to be filled in order to bring them about. So now what? I cant enjoy life unless i prepare for it and as far as i can tell if i do prepare for it i cant enjoy it.
So now what do i do? Here is an idea, lets plan my life around fun. i can plan to the point where the fun experience is allowed and then not even worry about planning until it is absolutely required. its genius, maybe i should do this blog thing more often haha.
Disclaimer though, i am not at all promoting a lazy state of bieng. Never ever ever ever ever, would i do that. What i am promoting is a healthy combination of future, and entertainment in the mind. To have too much of anything is unhealthy and so it only makes sense that we even out the amount of preparation for the future with the amount of immediate enjoyment. That i believe is the recipe for a happy healthy life.

1 comment:

Shelbey said...

This is why you're in a musical.